Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Weddings and all that jazz

Last weekend I rushed down to Kamloops for the night.
A close friend got married, it was a beautiful ceremony and a rad reception. 

I sprained my ankle and also re injured the whiplash from the accident. It was a hell of a time

My best friend had her baby 2 moths ago. I love him so much!!! I got to hold him through the wedding and I hogged him all evening too. 

This weekend I'm going to enderby to celebrate my best friends marriage. I'm the maid of honor. Amy eloped last year. 

I'm still losing weight, but it is going much slower. I just want to keep dropping it like I was when I was huge. I've been buying some clothes as I can't keep up with sewing my wardrobe smaller.
My skinny clothes from before the accident are now much to big!!! Shopping is becoming fun since I can wear normal sized clothing. I can't wait to be an average size! 3 more sizes to my goal. And when I hit it, I'll have to come up with a new goal!
I altered this dress and now love it so much. I wear it almost every day. Haha

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